We provide a wide range of excavation services throughout the life cycle of a project, starting from design and ending with the disposal of unused explosives.
Along the way, there might occur a need for charging service, excavation and blasting technology service, storage, transport and licensing services, or a need for versatile training services.

Charging service
Charging service is a basic service we offer to our customers, and it can be booked from our service stations all over Finland. The charging service can be ordered at different levels, always considering your needs.
Transportation service
In a society where requirements are constantly tightening, you can be confident that we transport explosives to your site on time, safely and in compliance with laws and regulations. Our transport equipment is always up to date and we also know the permit issues accurately.

Technical service
We guide our customers in the use of the products, when needed, both by phone and on site. Get answers to the questions that preoccupy your mind with one phone call.
Storage and permissions
To improve security, we provide our customers with storage services at our stations. In addition, through us you can rent explosive containers suitable for site storage.
We also support customers in their own storage licensing processes.

Training and cooperation
We are actively involved in training people who come to the industry as well as those who are already working in the industry. We also work closely with various educational institutions.
You will find all the training you need from us both to maintain your professional skills and to learn something new.